
C&P Examinations: Lay Testimony

Examiner's Requirement to Review and Respond to Lay Testimony

Medical Examiners have specific requirements and restrictions, learn about the legal requirements in this comprehensive article.

Medical Opinions

The requirements to be considered valid

Medical Opinions can make or break your case. Learn more about the requirements of a valid medical opinion.

Fallacy Series: Secondary Contentions

I Never Went to Sick Call, therefore, my condition isn’t able to be primarily connected - NOPE

You didn't go to sick call? Then you can't file a primary claim. Right? Wrong.


But the evidence was in my service records

The VA can make a mistake and completely ignore evidence in your service records. Learn how to get your contention approved.

Implicit denials

When your unclaimed contention is denied

Learn about how raters frequently make mistakes when reviewing medical records and why it matters to you.

Written Lay Testimony

The legal value in your disability case

Need the legal scoop on lay statements? We have the case law right here!

Sleep Apnea: Myths and Truths

Straight Talk about Plausible VA Service Connections

Sleep apnea claims are full of myths and fallacies. In this article, we address the myths and fallacies and discuss the best ways to approach service connection.